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CSS Google Fonts

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:22 am
by Guest
CSS Google Fonts

Google Fonts
If you do not want to use any of the standard fonts in HTML, you can use Google Fonts.
Google Fonts are free to use, and have more than 1000 fonts to choose from.

How To Use Google Fonts
Just add a special style sheet link in the <head> section and then refer to the font in the CSS.

Here, we want to use a font named "Sofia" from Google Fonts:

<head><link rel="stylesheet"
href=" ... style>body
font-family: "Sofia", sans-serif;}</style></head>

Sofia Font
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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Here, we want to use a font named "Trirong" from Google Fonts:

<head><link rel="stylesheet"
href=" ... style>body
font-family: "Trirong", serif;}</style></head>

Trirong Font
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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Here, we want to use a font named "Audiowide" from Google Fonts:

<head><link rel="stylesheet"
href=" ... style>body
font-family: "Audiowide", sans-serif;}</style></head>

Audiowide Font
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

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Note: When specifying a font in CSS, always list at
minimum one fallback font (to avoid unexpected behaviors).
So, also here you should add a generic font family (like serif or sans-serif) to the end of the list.

For a list of all available Google Fonts, visit our How To - Google Fonts Tutorial.

Use Multiple Google Fonts
To use multiple Google fonts, just separate the font names with a pipe
character (|), like this:

Request multiple fonts:

<head><link rel="stylesheet"
href=" ... ng"><style>
h1.a {font-family: "Audiowide", sans-serif;}h1.b {font-family: "Sofia",
sans-serif;}h1.c {font-family: "Trirong", serif;}</style></head>

Audiowide Font
Sofia Font
Trirong Font

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Note: Requesting multiple fonts may slow down your web pages!
So be careful about that.

Styling Google Fonts
Of course you can style Google Fonts as you like, with CSS!

Style the "Sofia" font:

<head><link rel="stylesheet"
href=" ... style>body
font-family: "Sofia", sans-serif;  font-size: 30px; 
text-shadow: 3px 3px 3px #ababab;}</style></head>

Sofia Font
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
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Enabling Font Effects
Google has also enabled different font effects that you can use.
First add effect=effectname to the Google API,
then add a special class name to the element that is going to use the special
effect. The class name always starts with font-effect-
and ends with the effectname.

Add the fire effect to the "Sofia" font:

<head><link rel="stylesheet"
href=" ... style>body
font-family: "Sofia", sans-serif;  font-size: 30px;}</style></head>
<body><h1 class="font-effect-fire">Sofia on

Sofia on Fire

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To request multiple font effects, just separate the effect names with a pipe character
(|), like this:

Add multiple effects to the "Sofia" font:

<head><link rel="stylesheet"
href=" ... style>body
font-family: "Sofia", sans-serif;  font-size: 30px;}</style></head>
<body><h1 class="font-effect-neon">Neon Effect</h1><h1 class="font-effect-outline">Outline
Effect</h1><h1 class="font-effect-emboss">Emboss
Effect</h1><h1 class="font-effect-shadow-multiple">Multiple
Shadow Effect</h1></body>

Neon Effect
Outline Effect
Emboss Effect
Multiple Shadow Effect

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